
Josh Braun

a hard pill

Published 12 months ago • 1 min read

This is going to be a hard pill to swallow, so buckle up.

The reason prospects don't respond to your cold emails has nothing to do with:

Email length

I’ll prove it to you.

Imagine I sent you this cold email:

“I built a $197 cold email course that will enable you to book at least five more meetings every month regardless of industry or company size. If you don’t see results, a refund will be made. Here are hundreds of testimonials.

A lot of people would respond positively to that cold email.


It’s a good offer.

What makes it a good offer?

It solves a problem, provides proof, and reverses the risk.

If you can't offer something like that, you’re product or service isn't good enough.

A few weeks ago, I bought an iPhone 14 Pro. Incredible phone, but I thought it was too big. So six days later, I swapped in for an iPhone 13 mini. The transaction took less than 5 minutes.

No wonder Apple dominates the smartphone market. The product delivers on the promise, has tons of positive reviews and you can easily return it (risk reversal).

SaaS doesn't work that way.

I get so many cold emails that promise the moon and the stars:

“We’ll increase sales by 47%.
“We’ll 5x your conversion rates.”

When I ask if I can get my money back if I don't see a 47% increase, the answer is always no.

That's not a good offer.

If you’re confident you can increase my sales by 47%, why can't I “return” your product like I returned my iPhone?

Want to skyrocket response rates?

Focus on an outcome your prospects want but don't have, prove it and reverse the risk.

Josh Braun

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